It is with great pleasure I welcome you to the website of the Diocese of Wrexham. It is a window on Catholic life in North Wales into which you can see something of the life of the Church here, and from which we are able to look out to the local and global communities whom we seek to serve and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the living of our faith.
You will find reliable information about the Diocese and its parishes as well as events, informative, articles and links to other organisations with whom we work or partner in the mission of worship, charity and evangelisation. Whether you visit this site as a member of the Church or the Diocese; as someone seeking practical or spiritual information; as a dedicated enquirer or a casual surfer I hope the information and message you receive is clear and helpful. In every way I hope you find our story a straight forward proclamation of the reality of God’s love for all peoples in the gift of Jesus Christ his Son and how you might share that gift.
Mae'n bleser mawr gennyf eich croesawu chi i wefan Esgobaeth Wrecsam. Mae'n ffenest ar fywyd Catholig yng Ngogledd Cymru lle gallwch weld rhywbeth am fywyd yr Eglwys yma, ac o'r fan honno rydym yn gallu edrych allan i'r cymunedau lleol a byd-eang yr ydym yn ceisio gwasanaethu a chyhoeddi efengyl Iesu Grist yn byw ein Ffydd.
Byddwch yn dod o hyd i wybodaeth ddibynadwy am yr Esgobaeth a'i phlwyfi yn ogystal â digwyddiadau, gwybodaeth, erthyglau a dolenni i sefydliadau eraill yr ydym yn gweithio gyda hwy neu'n bartneriaid ynddynt wrth genhadaeth addoliad, elusen ac efengylu. A ydych yn ymweld â'r safle hwn fel aelod o'r Eglwys neu'r Esgobaeth; fel rhywun sy'n ceisio gwybodaeth ymarferol neu ysbrydol; fel ymholydd ymroddedig neu syrffwyr achlysurol Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd y wybodaeth a'r neges rydych yn eu derbyn yn glir ac yn ddefnyddiol. Ym mhob ffordd Rwy'n gobeithio y byddwch yn dod o hyd i'n stori Proclamasiwn syth o realiti cariad Duw at yr holl bobloedd yn rhodd Iesu Grist ei fab a sut y gallech rannu'r rhodd hwnnw.
+ Peter Brignall
Bishop of Wrexham
Esgob Wrecsam

Pope Francis is held in the prayers of the people of the Diocese of Wrexham that in his sickness he may know comfort, strength and peace. We commend him to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of the Divine Physician and also to S. Winefride of Holywell at whose intercession great healing has been brought.
† Peter M. Brignall
Bishop of Wrexham
Photo Credit: Mazur/cbcew.org.uk
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