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Wrexham Diocesan Trust
Reg. Charity No: 700426
(Province of Wales)
Patron of the Diocese – St David (1st March)
The Diocese of Wrexham was established by a decree of Pope John Paul II on 12th February 1987 from territory taken from the Diocese of Menevia, and consists of the Counties of Aberconwy and Colwyn, Anglesey, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Gwynedd, Wrexham and the District of Montgomery in the County of Powys.

We are sons and daughters of the One Father,
disciples of Jesus Christ,
and members of the Catholic Church
in the Diocese of Wrexham.
We share in the rich history and culture of Wales.
Nourished by God’s Word and Sacraments,
we commit ourselves both as individuals
and as parish communities
to live out the mission given to us in Baptism.
We declare our commitment:
- to deepen our Faith;
- to share our sense of God and his love for everyone;
- to witness to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
Thus renewed, we are led by the Holy Spirit
to reach out more effectively
to the people of the world in which we live.
(Diocesan Pastoral Assembly – May 1992)
Meibion a merched yr Un Tad ydym ni,
disgyblion Iesu Grist,
ac aelodau yr Eglwys Gatholig
yn Esgobaeth Wrecsam.
Y mae gennym ran yn hanes a diwylliant cyfoethog Cymru.
Yn cael ein bwydo gan Air Duw a’i Sagrafennau,
yr ydym yn ymrwymo ein hunain fel unigolion
ac fel cymunedau plwyfol
i fyw yn ôl y cenadrwi a roddwyd i ni yn ein Bedydd.
Yr ydym yn datgan ein hymrwmiad:
- i ddyfnhau ein Ffydd;
- i rannu ein profiad o Dduw a’i gariad tuag at bawb;
- i dystiolaethu i Iesu Grist, ein Harglwydd a’n Hiachawdwr.
Wedi ein hadnewyddu fel hyn, arweinir ni gan yr Ysbryd Glân
i ymestyn allan yn fwy effeithiol
at bobl y byd lle rydym yn byw.
(Cyfarfod Bugeiliol Esgobaethol, Mai 1992)
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