Wrexham Diocesan Registered Trust, Charity No.700426
As you have inherited from those who have gone before you, one of the ways that you can express your thanks for the blessings of your faith, serve your children and grandchildren, and help the Church in the future, is to make a bequest in your will. Legacies, however large or small, can be left to your parish, the Cathedral, or to the Diocese, and will always be acknowledged by a remembrance in prayer and at Masses celebrated for benefactors.
Legacies for charitable purposes are exempt from inheritance tax. The Diocese is a registered charity and so can benefit from bequests. Care must be taken over the wording; home made wills can lead to court action and the frustration of the testator’s intentions.
A legal adviser should incorporate the suggested wording(s) in Appendix 2A in the donor’s Will.
An example of such wording can be:
"I give [THE SUM OF £ - / MY RESIDUARY ESTATE] To Wrexham Diocesan Trustees Registered to be applied as to both capital and income for the general charitable purposes of Wrexham Diocesan Trust (Charity Number 700426) and I request without imposing any binding trust or legal obligation that the same shall be used for such purposes [within Name & Place of Parish or : St. Mary's Cathedral Wrexham, or At the discretion of the Bishop] and I direct that the receipt of one of the trustees of Wrexham Diocesan Trustees registered shall be sufficient discharge to my executors."
Parishes must advise the Diocesan Finance Office of all legacies when notification is received.
This is particularly important when there are restrictions on use. These should be discussed with the Diocese before acceptance. The Bishop will agree with the parish how the legacies may be applied. Any income tax paid on interest/investment income can be reclaimed through the Diocesan Curial Office.