The word vocation is derived from the latin word 'vocare', meaning to 'call'. Vocation is therefore about a 'call' in our lives.
Many people believe that to have a vocation is an exclusive call to the priesthood or religious life and whilst this is true in part, each and everyone of us has a unique vocation, called by the Lord through our Baptism, to a life of Holiness and the discovery of which is a key step on our journey of faith.
For many of us, our vocation is manifest through marriage or through single life,others however are called to the service of the Church, through consecrated life as a religious or through ordained ministry.

To discern a vocation is to discover the person God wants you to be.
Ordained Ministry
Our society is always changing so the Church and its ministers must always be open to renewal by the Spirit of God, reading the signs of the times.
All God’s people are called to holiness, and that holiness is available to all in and through their particular vocations.
Consecrated Life
Throughout the history of the Church there have been different forms of consecrated life; varied ways of expressing a desire to follow Christ with an ‘undivided heart’ (1 Corinthians 7:34).
Single Life
The state of being single is what we’re all born into and remains the default situation for those who have not found a vocation to marriage, priesthood or religious life. Could it really be a choice? It is a vocational choice provided it is chosen.
If you think you might have a vocation or just a desire to become a priest, a deacon or a religious, seek advice from your parish priest or contact:
Vocations Director
Canon Adrian Wilcock
Church of the Immaculate Conception,
Coleshill Street,
Tel: 01352 732245
Curial Office: 01978 262726
Vocations Awareness Day